WMAIA 2024 Design Awards

Dodson & Flinker, Florence, MA

Mt. Tom North Trailhead Park is a new public park in Easthampton, MA, created on a formerly residential property on Mt. Tom’s northern slope. The client, the City of Easthampton, collaborated with a large group of partners and stakeholders that were critical to the success of the project, including the Kestrel Land Trust, Pascommuck Conservation Trust, PARC/Conservation Partnership Grant Programs, and the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

The project transforms a disturbed former house-lot into an expansive habitat area, while also addressing limited access to the trail network of Mt. Tom from Easthampton side. A facilitated public process informed the design. The park includes a parking area, a 2,000 ft length, FSTAG accessible trail, planted pollinator-friendly meadow and shrubland areas, an overlook and rest areas with benches and picnic tables, educational and directional signage, and trailhead connections to adjacent trail systems on Mt Tom and Kestrel Land Trust’s “Little Mountain”.

Photos by Dodson & Flinker

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