Franklin County

Austin Design


Austin Design Inc. is a full service design firm providing residential & commercial architecture and interior design services in western Massachusetts and beyond. We specialize in custom homes and thrive on design challenges that allow our creativity and expertise to flourish. Our projects are representative of our interests in accessibility, sustainability and community design and our commitment to design quality for projects of every size.

Austin Design, Inc.
16 Call Road
Colrain, Massachusetts 01340
413 . 624 . 9669

Austin Design, Inc. (VT office)
167 Main Street, Suite 302
Brattleboro, VT 05301
802 . 451 . 5966

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Jones Whitsett Architects


Jones Whitsett Architects (formerly Margo Jones Architects) is a small, award-winning architectural practice based in Greenfield, Massachusetts. We have three decades of experience providing architectural services to our clients on projects ranging from municipal buildings, cultural centers and libraries to renovations of venerable historic properties.

In recent years school design has become the largest part of our portfolio. We are proud of the work we have done to improve schools for teachers and children across Massachusetts. School design requires skills that play to our strengths—patience, the ability to listen, creativity, and budgetary pragmatism.

Our reputation for quality continues to grow, enabling us to partner with talented collaborators from across the country.

Jones Whitsett Architects
308 Main Street, Suite 3A
Greenfield, Massachusetts 01301
413 . 773 . 5551

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